LibrarySearch Results: University of Phoenix

13 books found

The purpose of this quantitative study was to discover the perceptions of school culture and correlate those perceptions with standardized test scores in elementary and secondary schools in southwestern Arizona. The intention of this study was to contribute to the field of education leadership related to student ...

The problem addressed in the current study was that disruptive student behavior is detrimental to learning because quality teacher-student interaction time is reduced. The purpose of this ethnographic research study was to explore relationship between disruptive behavior of students and leadership styles of teachers, ...

Suicide has been declared an epidemic and rates of suicide increase within occupational subcultures experiencing increased levels of stress and trauma, such as law enforcement. Explored in the qualitative phenomenological study were the lived experiences of White, male law enforcement officers concerning perceptions ...

Limited research exists about the determinants of sales organization effectiveness in pharmaceutical sales organizations. To fill this void, sales management control, sales territory design, and sales force performance are conceptualized as antecedents to sales organization effectiveness in pharmaceutical sales ...

The purpose of the qualitative hermeneutic phenomenological study was to explore the influence of leadership development or succession-planning programs upon women's progression to high-level positions and their continued success in the executive ranks. A qualitative methodology provided a detailed and rich ...

Global usage of the World Wide Web continues to increase exponentially, yet many corporate Web sites are misperceived by non-English-speaking audiences. Diverse communities of global consumers purchase products on the World Wide Web based on a positive image of the product as reflected in the Web site content, which ...

This qualitative case study explored the impact of mentoring on professional advancement among African Americans healthcare professionals. A nonrandom purposeful sample was used to identify 21 African American hospital decision makers employed in the specialty areas of nursing, medicine, pharmacy, and administration. ...

Regional economies are highly dependent upon entrepreneurial endeavor success for growth, but the success rate for entrepreneurs is low (Gugliada, 2003). This quantitative group comparison research identified specific leadership characteristics that differentiated successful entrepreneurs from those starting ...

This hermeneutic phenomenological study explored leadership by means of accessing the lived experiences of leaders perceived as being philanthropian in bureaucratic, mechanistic organizations in Canada and the United States. Philanthropian leaders display the following characteristics: (a) love, (b) compassion, (c) ...

The subtle nature of bias can cause leaders to be unaware of religiously based influences. The outcome can be both positive and negative. The leader can make decisions that are more effective by maximizing useful paradigms and constructs, or make less effective and inappropriate decisions through lack of evaluation of ...

The style of leadership in an interdisciplinary collaboration is an existing gap in collaborative literature. Studying the leaders in an existing interdisciplinary collaboration provided a description of the leadership style of the collaborative leaders of three behavioral health teams in New York City. This ...

A formal training program with theoretical and practical components is essential for all emergency medical personnel involved in providing care for critically injured patients. Communication, effective first aid, and on time transportation to a health center play a major role in improving quality of care for ...